Hi. I'm Brett. I make videos about tech stuff on the internet (:

From smart home, to 3d printing, to DIY electronics, I take pride in showcasing the things I love and educating others on how they can start exploring those things too!

Info Orbs Dev Kit
Info Orbs is an open source, wifi connected desk display widget that can...
$60.00 USD
$0.00 USD
Spare Info Orbs PCB + Parts
🟢PCB kit now includes all extra spare parts and connectors🟢⚠️ If you're buying...
$18.00 USD
$0.00 USD
Soldering Practice PCB
buying info-orbs but want to brush up on your through-hole soldering first? This...
$4.00 USD
$0.00 USD
38 Pin ESP32 - Spare/Extra
ESP-WROM-32 - A standard ESP32 module with extra pins. This is the specific...
$8.00 USD
$0.00 USD
1.28" Round TFT Display
Round LCD Display with gc9a01 driver.To be used with an info orbs display...
$8.00 USD
$0.00 USD